Tuesday, 26 December 2017

What Should Be Indian Diet Chart For Kids?

To enjoy a meal together with your family is a highly valued among Indians. But to manage their food is a struggle as they are very fussy when it comes to food.

As a parent, you want to incorporate all the healthy nutrients and a good diet such as a glass of milk loaded with taste enhancers, healthy vegetables in dishes, fruits, rice or an added chapatti. When you have to make them eat you have to try various tricks and tips and try blackmailing. The struggle just not ends here but you also have to make sure that they get enough water for the day. Well, if you are looking to give healthy nutrients to your child then you need an Indian diet chart for kids. Check out some importance of diet chart for kids.

Plan ahead

Make a schedule of the menu for each week at a time. Through this, you can help know that your child is eating essential nutrients at right time. As being a parent to a child you often face struggle while giving your child food and this often confuses a parent that what his child has eaten the whole day. By planning ahead you can make them eat essential nutrients.

Batch Cooking

Meal planning and bulk cooking are both wonderful methods which help you utilize and modify all essential nutrients that fit your family’s needs. You make food and prepare your meals ahead of time.  Then store them by either freezing or refrigerating them.

Monday, 27 November 2017

Reasons behind the Obesity of Indian Kids

Often it is assumed that in the absence of proper Indian diet chart for kids, Indian kids are rapidly becoming victim of obesity. To some extent this is true, but just the half-truth as there are several other reasons responsible for the obesity of Indian kids. In this post, we take a serious look at these reasons and how obesity has developed into a serious concern for our youngsters.

Reasons for Obesity

Undoubtedly, absence of proper Indian diet chart for kids is a major reason behind kids getting obese, but other than this, several other reasons have equally contributed. For example – 

Family History

• Kids belonging to the families already having the history of obesity are more likely to get affected by this disease.
• Experts say that these kids either are born with obesity or are likely to get affected by this problem, especially in the absence of proper Indian diet chart for kids.
• This family history could be because of several reasons like the sedimentary lifestyle of parents before the birth of their child.
• One more reason is the total absence of healthy and nutritional food for the family.

Lack of Activities

• According to the experts, lack of activity is another major reason behind kids getting obese unexpectedly.
• The current generation of kids is more addicted to indoor activities that do not involve any physical activity.
• Because of this, kids are getting increasingly lazy to go out and this results into generation of obesity among them.
• Therefore, we have to make sure that our children are getting the physical activity that they require.

Some other points that need a mention here are – 

• Children are not getting the proper nutrition. 
• Children get very little exercise and do not eat a nutritious diet.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Look Out the Diet Plan Suitable For Anemia

If your blood is lacking its capacity to carry oxygen around your system then you are suffering from anemia. This is because you do not have enough red blood cells or chemical that carries oxygen within them.

There are a lot of reasons which causes anemia and the doctor has to quite establish the cause in you. In some situation, anemia can be caused due to an improper diet that lacks certain nutrients.
If you are suffering from anemia then you can have the below diet plan for anemia.

Keep balance of iron in the body

When you eat any food, try to eat those that contain enough iron as iron deficiency can cause anemia. There are also chances of developing anemia to those who have a poor diet with just enough iron to get by. To maintain a balanced iron body, one must match the iron that we lose by absorbing in sufficient amount.

Intake of vitamin C

By eating foods those are rich in vitamin C can help absorb iron and maintains your body with diet rich foods. Eat foods with plenty of vegetables, fruits or intake orange juice with your meal.

Eat foods that contain folic acid

Lack of folic acid in the body is another cause of anemia. For this deficiency, you should intake folic acid tablets. A pregnant woman should intake folic acid tablets as this helps her prevent spina bifida and other similar problems in the baby.

By taking these diet plans, you can surely conquer anemia.

Friday, 15 September 2017

To Get A Naturally Glowing Skin, Start With A Diet For Skin Care!

Nowadays, fashion just doesn’t come with the clothes you wear and the makeup you put on but also your skin is very important. You imagine yourself that, will it look good when your skin has so many impurities and pimples? Absolutely, no! You need to take care of your skin and need a good diet for skin care. 

As everyone wants to look good naturally, no one likes to put a bulk of makeup to hide their flaws. For this, you need to put on the extra effort by starting out healthy food diet that is good for your skin.

How Diet Affects Your Skin?

Dermatologist Dr. Jessica Wu says, “I tell my patients that whatever they take into their mouth is more important than the products they apply on their skin”. 

The food you take in should be healthy and rich in proteins that will affect your skin and will give you radiant and glowing skin. If you do not follow a strict regime and cheat up your diet then your skin will not be as strong and supple as it could be.

If you are still in search of what you should eat to keep your skin glowing and healthy, you must check out some below diet for skin care.

• Tomatoes are good for helping reduce sun damage.
• Pick up green and yellow vegetables, the darker and brighter the colors the more nutrients it has.
• Intake enough carbohydrates and proteins.
• Drink water to keep your skin hydrated.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Tips To Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

Obesity not only brings health problems but also make you unfit for enjoying beautiful moment of your life such as playing with your toddler. It does not matter if you are man or woman having a proper weight loss plan is important to lose weight healthily. Here are the tips that you should follow if you want to lose weight without affecting your health adversely:

• Bring realistic changes to your life: If you do not like to eat anything, don't include it in your weight loss plan, because it is for a lifetime not for a day or two. Only include foods which are healthy and you enjoy eating it.

• Consult Doctor: Consulting a dietician or doctor before making your diet plan is important as doctor check your health condition first before making any diet chart which a gym instructor don't do properly.

• Slow and steady: You cannot lose all excess weight in just a few days, you need to work hard for it daily. Consistency is the key because losing weight and then maintaining it for a lifetime is what you should target for.

• Eating less cannot help: Just by eating less you cannot control your weight, you have to be physically active as well.  Exercise is an essential part of losing and maintaining weight. So include some simple yet effective exercise in your daily routine

These are some basic tips that you should follow if you are planning to lose excess weight. You can also consult your dietician about Diet For Rejuvenation that helps to stay fit and young.